Iterative Model In Software Development

 Iterative model in software development is the approach in which the process of developing a complex application is broken into smaller parts.

The iterative SDLC model refers to a unique implementation of software development projects in which it starts with simple processes and features before progressively moving to more complexity and a broader feature set toward the finishing-up of the system. The term “incremental development” is often used liberally and interchangeably with “iterative development” which describes the incremental alterations made during the design and implementation of a new iteration.

This is one of the simplest models to develop software which gives certain flexibility to changes or enhancements of features in the actual span of the project besides the predetermined core software requirements. In this tutorial, let’s take a closer look at the iterative model, its application within a project as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

1. What Is Iterative Model In Software Development?

The Iterative software development approach was used in projects as early as the 1950s in a wide range of software applications, from modern web applications and high-performance gaming clients to the United States Department of Defense’s software acquisition standard. This model is generally a big evolution over the traditional waterfall model of the past which breaks the whole process into smaller “iteration”, that contains planning, design, development, and testing steps. Different from the waterfall model which focuses on a stringent step-by-step process of development stages, the iterative process is a cyclical process that adds features one-by-one, creating a working product at the end of each iteration, and increases overall functionality at the end of each cycle. 

2. Features Of Iterative Model In Software Development

3. Advantages Of Iterative Model In Software Development

There are many advantages of using an iterative model, including inherent version, rapid turnaround, and adaptability. 

The iterative model is suitable for small, agile teams and projects. Particularly when the project involves modern technology with a constraint time frame, a full “iteration process” can immediately be performed from planning and design through to implementation and testing, with the involvement of all stakeholders.

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